Approving Pages
  • 12 Jul 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Dark
  • PDF

Approving Pages

  • Dark
  • PDF

Article summary

To change the status of a spread to Approved, click on the menu icon Hamburger icon.png on the spread.

Page Approval Enhancements - Image 1.jpg

Then click on Change Status > Approved.

Page Approval Enhancements - Image 2.jpg

A pop-up will provide you with links to the Final PDF proofs based on your most recent saved progress of that spread. These pages will be printed as viewed.

Page Approval Enhancements - Image 3.jpg

Make sure to review each page before approving the spread. When you click on the page link to view it, the page number will appear in the top left corner.

Page Approval Enhancements - Image 4.jpg

When you close the PDF, the colour of the link will change to purple showing you that you have viewed that page.

Page Approval Enhancements - Image 5.jpg

Once you have reviewed both PDFs, you will then need to click on the checkbox to acknowledge that you have reviewed and approved the PDF Proofs of these pages.

Page Approval Enhancements - Image 6.jpg

Notice that because the Approved box is unchecked. You cannot approve the pages because the Approve button is greyed out.

Once the checkbox is clicked, you can approve the pages.

Page Approval Enhancements - Image 7.jpg

Please refer to the help video at the beginning of this article for a visual tutorial.

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