Creating Templates
  • 12 Jul 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Creating Templates

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Article summary

On the Home page of ConnectMe under Quick Links, click on Create Template.

Creating Templates - Image 1.jpg

This will take you into your Library.

If you haven’t created any categories, you can do this from the BUILD-IT > Library.

Creating Templates - Image 2.jpg

The Create Template button is not clickable until you select the category and name your template.

Creating Templates - Image 3.jpg

This will generate a page spread to create your template. This will not interfere with your pages. Once you have designed your template, click Save.

Creating Templates - Image 4.jpg

Your template can be found in your Library under the template category you created or selected.

Creating Templates - Image 5.jpg

Please refer to the help video at the beginning of this article for a visual tutorial.

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