Submitting PDFs
    • 17 Mar 2021
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    Submitting PDFs

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    Article summary

    Exporting PDFs for submission

    Exporting and Uploading PDF files from InDesign

    See: PDF

    1. To create a PDF file for submission open a finished InDesign spread and go to File>PDF Export Settings>FriesensYearbooks.

    2. From there a browse window will come up to indicate where the PDF file should be saved. Choose a location on your computer or network that is easily accessible.


      It is recomended to label your PDF files using a 6 digit numbering system (e.g. 002-003 XXXXXXXX.pdf). This is not a requirement but will make it easier to upload and sort your PDF files.

    3. Once you have chosen the location for the PDF to be saved a window will come up with the PDF export settings. In this window make sure that the PAGES option is selected. DO NOT click on spreads or change any other settings in this window.

    4. After the PDF is created login to your ConnectMe account and go to the Build It tab to see the Page Manager. On the right hand side of the page select the drop down menu and click on Upload Pages.

    5. From there an Upload PDF window will appear. Click on Browse For Files and select the PDF that was created earlier. Once selected it will appear in the list to upload. Below the Page # heading enter in the pages that correspond to the pages that are in the PDF.

    6. After you’ve selected Start Upload the page thumbnails will show they’re processing.

    7. Once they’re done processing (time will vary based on size of PDFs & amount of uploads occurring on the ConnectMe server), proofs will be available.

    8. Once the thumbnails appear click on the blue icon in the center of the page to see a report with any issues that the page might have. If you click on the thumbnail you can view a PDF proof of that page by clicking on the printer icon on the top of the screen.

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