- 31 Mar 2023
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- Updated on 31 Mar 2023
- 1 Minute to read
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- DarkLight
To open a store for the first time, go to the Sell It tab, then click on Store Setup. Within that screen, click on the click here to open a store.
The page will then show data for the store. Clicking 'Open Store Admin' will open up the complete store. There is also store embedding on the right-side that can be shared publicly to get customers to the store.
Clicking 'Open Store Admin' takes the user to the Home page of the store. This provides an overview of your store, displaying all products data including such as (product name & options, sold/available quantities, and revenue sources).
To view a certain range of data, click on the drop-down at the end of the date range in the top right corner. This will open a calendar where you can select different time periods or set a custom range by clicking on specific dates.
The toolbar at the bottom of the screen displays the Vendor panel which is the page that opens when you log in as user. The Storefront tab allows you to see the store from the purchaser’s point of view.