InDesign fonts
  • 02 Sep 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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InDesign fonts

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Article summary

When using fonts in InDesign you need to ensure you have the rights to use those fonts. Any fonts that are installed with InDesign are free to use. However, if you have installed fonts on your system that you don't have the complete rights to it can cause issues when using them in InDesign. If you are not sure if a font will work there is a tool in InDesign that will helps. To check your fonts in InDesign go through the following steps:

1. Open a document and create a text box and type in some text with the font you want to check.

2. Go to Type Find\Replace font and select the font in the list.

3. Once you have selected the font make sure that the info is displayed below. If you don't see the info area then click on the button on the right side of the window called "More Info". 

4. When you are looking at the info check the Restrictions. If it indicates Normal then you can use that font. 

NOTE: If you would like to use the fonts that are available in DesignIt (ConnectMe) you can find those in the downloads screen under the BuildIt tab. 

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