  • 18 Jul 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article summary

The roadmap is located at the top of ConnectMe. This tool is designed to guide yearbook advisors throughout the life of a yearbook project and help keep the yearbook on track.

Roadmap - Image 1.jpg

Default tasks and dates are automatically set based off the delivery date of your project. These can all be edited by the yearbook advisor.

Roadmap - Image 2.jpg

Yearbook advisors can add tasks as well.

Roadmap - Image 3.jpg

Roadmap - Image 4.jpg

As tasks are completed, they’re moved to the bottom of the list. As well, the task bar will progress at the top of ConnectMe.

Roadmap - Image 5.jpg

Roadmap - Image 6.jpg

Please refer to the help video at the beginning of this article for a visual tutorial.

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